One joy of living in a short school bus full time is all the unique experiences we get to have. Plus with homeschooling being one of our family priorities, any opportunity to throw in an educational spin on something I am all about. Here are some of our top Roadschooling field trips! Junior Ranger Programs The Junior Ranger Program is an … read more... about Roadschooling Adventures
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Boondocking Basics
Boondocking. What in the world is boondocking? Is there a dock involved? Boondocking, which stems from the word boondocks, is actually a Tagalog word. Tagalog is an Austronesian language spoken on the Philippine island of Luzon and neighboring islands. This language is the standardized national language of the Philippines. Back to … read more... about Boondocking Basics

Desert Hiking: Trail Tips
The Arizona Scenic Trail is one long walk spanning the entire state of Arizona. It is 800 miles of mountains, deserts, canyons, and forests linking the border of Utah to the border of Mexico. In 1985 a teacher in Flagstaff mapped out a shortened version of the 6,875 mile Great Western Loop to include the Grand Canyon. This projected journey was the … read more... about Desert Hiking: Trail Tips